#DefundClimateChaos: From the frontlines

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This is in solidarity with all the communities resisting fossil fuel projects at huge risk.

Thanks also to Urgewald and the authors and contributors to the Five Years Lost How Finance is Blowing the Paris Carbon Budget & Indigenous Environmental Network: Indigenous Resistance Against Carbon reports, which provided the case studies, data and analysis to be able to create this resource for our global day of action.

Below is a breakdown of banks and insurers financing the fossil fuel projects spoken of in each case study, along with links to the origins of the stories and quotations.


BBC: Mozambique insurgency: Children beheaded, aid agency reports

Aljazeera: Mozambican journalists’ lives are on the line in Cabo Delgado

Friends of the Earth: Gas in Mozambique: A windfall for the industry, a curse for the country



IWGIA: Indigenous peoples in Suriname

Facebook: VIDSSuriname



First Nations: Finding a Voice and Making it Heard: Defending Native Rights on the Border

Native Voice Network: Member Spotlight: Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas


Sage Journals: Socio-territorial Disputes and Violence on Fracking Land in Vaca Muerta, Argentina

Humanosphere: Argentina’s indigenous communities unite to stop fracking

Facebook:Confederación Mapuche de Neuquén






Yale Environment 360: A Key Mangrove Forest Faces Major Threat from a Coal Plant

The Daily Star: Villagers of Phulbari, Barapukuria block highway

VOA News: 5 Killed During Protest at China-backed Bangladesh Power Plant



Los Angeles Times: A Philippines grandmother fought to get a toxic coal stockpile out of her neighborhood. Three bullets stopped her

Global Witness: Celebrating the women who are protecting the planet



The Guardian: ‘The rocks remember’: the fight to protect Burrup peninsula’s rock art

Facebook: Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation



Saami Council: Saami Council initiates project on increased Sámi participation in IPCAP


East Med

Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network: No to EastMed, Stand with Palestine: The EastMed fossil imperialist project and solidarity with the Palestinian resistance

Stop East Med: Pipelines Fuel Conflict


The other profiles:

Bank Track: Dodgy Deals

Pacific Climate Warrior: Stand With The Warriors

Stop Adani: We’re building the biggest grassroots movement in Australia’s history to stop Adani’s coal mine

Indigenous Environmental Network: Tar Sands